Retro Collection Projects (August 2023 update)

So let see how things changed in the last four months)…
(you probably need to read the last few retro collection projects I posted in the last few months to understand what I am talking about – a main article and two updates, this is the third update I think)

  • CoinOps is definitely irrelevant lately. I have to admit I don’t follow at all any more and I hear less and less people using it.
    BUT I see there is an active stream of spin-off projects, which I also don’t follow any more, but I see their evolutions. For example ex “Computer Classics” collection, now “CC Reloaded” still gets enriched and definitely is a full-fledged collection on its own.
    Also there is “RetroArcadePC” collection.
    Both for people that liked the original CoinOps style but don’t want to bother with weird project managers.
  • CORE Type-R. No major updates on the (erm… ) core, but definitely still many releases of official and non-official packs. Especially non-official. Definitely interesting, definitely nice that they also group games in “collections”, but a bit too involved for the casual user. Definitely on the radar!
  • Complete Play. I am way more active with CP nowadays. An external 20TB disk helped. CP78 definitely keeps working on his project. New packs are expected, older ones are getting released as free. All ok.
    What I like with CP is that it used LB (and actually BigBox), which allows me to use the themes I like more. I actually use a different theme for platforms (machines) and different for actual games. LB allows even different theme PER platform if I wanted.
    Unfortunately the XBox port died, because of MSFT.
  • MBU-R by RGS got a major update due to Batocera V37. It is actually a fantastic collection (with a very nice 1TB base), but it is something you BOOT to (it boots to Linux based Batocera). It cannot work inside your Windows environment. For some people this can actually be a good thing. Very rich support for weird old systems (which are part of MAME of course, but is good that they get some attention). Very good solution for people that don’t want to touch their own Windows setup, but want to boot inside a “clean” (i.e. more controlled) emulation environment. You cam just use the core, or add the huge system packs.
  • RBL. It is not relevant any more. Its creator has deleted all public references to it, there is rumour of “underground” work, there is rumour of even “inner circle” people getting kicked. Too much drama for my taste (a la CoinOps), so bye bye. Pitty, it was a very interesting and “different” project.
    There was a user movement to actually “save” the resources and use it anyway, but this is slowly dying (as there is no point to bother so much when alternatives exist).

Other related news…

  • Zomb RELEASED C64 Dreams 0.60. I DEFINITELY suggest people to use this if they love Commodore 64. It is a product of love, it is elaborate work and it shows. There is already talk about next version, but understandably not that much in August… (or any talk)
    0.60 has 500 new games, MANY MANY improvements (switching to OneLoad64 versions where possible – the two guys even cooperate), many new manuals etc.
    The only thing I miss was an option to enable borders to make it like *I* remember C64.
    Go get it now! It doesn’t even need an LB license at it doesn’t use BigBox (I hope video sub-project wakes up, to make support for BB easier).
  • Gruby’s AdventurePack is on ice for now (and unfortunately indefinitely), as Gruby has some RL things to take care. I hope this fantastic project wakes up again, as SCUMMVM had some major updates and definitely want them in.
  • Definitely newsworthy, is that TOSEC made a new release. Very interesting additions, but for the first time the actual files haven’t surfaced “soon enough” for torrent release in all three major sections main, ISO, PIX. I am not sure what happened this time, maybe just “August” – really hope this will be rectified.
  • eXo is preparing new things, but they are not ready yet. Whenever eXo releases something it is major, it is good and deserves attention. It is a whole team now.

So, my August suggestions? The only thing that changed is that I don’t suggest a #4.

I still suggest Complete Play if you don’t mind two tiny payments (one for CP78 patreon – which is REALLY cheap, no excuse to not get it – and one for LaunchBox which I suggest anyway). Very good work, mostly bother free.

CORE Type-R is a close #2, for something different, but only if you can follow the overwhelming list of releases (esp. if you also want to follow the unofficial ones). If you can, you will probably be rewarded.

MBU-R is #3 even though it doesn’t work inside Windows. A reboot from a separate partition or a USB disk is not that hard though. For some people it is even better to do that.

Until next time…

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